Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2021

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2021 ranked in order of their total number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's total number of awards (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of the scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

50 of 158 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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1 Ambrosi, Emile Alexandre St Kevins College Toorak 5 50,45,44,43,40
2 Truong, Angus Tuong Hy St Kevins College Toorak 5 50,43,43,41,40
3 Tricarico, Benjamin Michael St Kevins College Toorak 5 44,43,42,42,40
4 Coloretti, James Andrew St Kevins College Toorak 4 50,47,42,41
5 Xing, Alexander Junsheng St Kevins College Toorak 4 48,47,45,42
6 Di Conza, Luca William St Kevins College Toorak 4 48,46,46,42
7 Carter, Matthew James St Kevins College Toorak 4 48,43,42,40
8 Arendtsz, Michael Francis St Kevins College Toorak 4 48,42,41,40
9 Abe, Oscar Boxtel St Kevins College Toorak 4 47,46,41,41
10 Conidi, Domenico St Kevins College Toorak 4 47,44,44,41
11 Prandolini, Louis William St Kevins College Toorak 4 45,44,41,41
12 Hynes, John Xavier St Kevins College Toorak 4 45,43,42,42
13 Mcnair, James John St Kevins College Toorak 4 44,44,43,42
14 Dowling, Noah Flynn St Kevins College Toorak 4 43,42,40,40
15 O'Donoghue, Tighe Oisin St Kevins College Toorak 4 43,41,41,40
16 O'Leary, Dominic Francis St Kevins College Toorak 3 50,48,46
17 Morelli, Dominic Ian St Kevins College Toorak 3 50,45,44
18 Dwyer, Ned Vincent St Kevins College Toorak 3 49,49,48
19 Ellich, Jarrod Eric St Kevins College Toorak 3 47,46,41
20 Zdilar, Marcus Matthew St Kevins College Toorak 3 45,45,42
21 Ackland, Thomas Michael St Kevins College Toorak 3 45,41,40
22 Joyce, Connor Brett St Kevins College Toorak 3 45,40,40
23 Cox, Ryan Thomas St Kevins College Toorak 3 44,44,40
24 Hoy, Oliver Quin St Kevins College Toorak 3 44,44,40
25 Kuppe, Josiah Paul St Kevins College Toorak 3 44,43,42
26 Candeloro, Luke Steven St Kevins College Toorak 3 44,43,41
27 Prime, Archer Jasper St Kevins College Toorak 3 44,41,40
28 Harrison, Lucas William St Kevins College Toorak 3 43,43,42
29 Romero, Joseph Thomas St Kevins College Toorak 3 43,43,40
30 Cross, Finn Bernard St Kevins College Toorak 3 43,42,41
31 Eldridge, Benjamin Jack St Kevins College Toorak 3 43,41,40
32 De Thomasis, Luca Marcello St Kevins College Toorak 3 43,40,40
33 Murphy, Kieran Barry St Kevins College Toorak 3 42,42,40
34 Peters, William Swan St Kevins College Toorak 3 42,41,41
35 Behrens, Thomas Riley St Kevins College Toorak 3 41,40,40
36 Bourke, Jeremy James St Kevins College Toorak 3 41,40,40
37 Monaghan, Liam Patrick St Kevins College Toorak 3 40,40,40
38 Hardy, Joshua Lachlan St Kevins College Toorak 2 49,47
39 Heo, Tak St Kevins College Toorak 2 47,47
40 Mathieson, Andrew Francis St Kevins College Toorak 2 47,43
41 O'Malley, Daniel Alexander St Kevins College Toorak 2 47,43
42 Raffaele, Harrison Joseph St Kevins College Toorak 2 47,41
43 Youssef, Noah James St Kevins College Toorak 2 47,41
44 Wang, Richard Yi Hao St Kevins College Toorak 2 46,45
45 Poon, Sebastian Khai Minh St Kevins College Toorak 2 45,44
46 Mcgirr, Benedict Baxter Scott St Kevins College Toorak 2 45,41
47 Nguyen, Nathan Thanh St Kevins College Toorak 2 45,40
48 Bare, Nicholas Francis St Kevins College Toorak 2 44,43
49 D'Souza, Declan Joseph St Kevins College Toorak 2 44,43
50 Trotter, Harrison James St Kevins College Toorak 2 44,42
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2022
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